Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Installing XAMPP on Linux

To install Xampp on windows, is not a difficult thing in fact. We just follow the instruction, wait a while, and XAMPP was ready to use. However, in linux we encounter something slightly different. Maybe this tutorial for some people is easy, but for the needy, but if you having trouble to install XAMPP in your Linux, follow this instruction.

Note : In this tutorial I use Xampp for Linux version 1.7.4

Well, without much talking let's start installing Xampp on linux. :)

  1. First, download the linux version of xampp on their official website, click here to download xampp for linux version 1.7.4.
  2. Put the downloaded files .tar.gz on the desktop if it is not automatically saved on the desktop.
  3. Open a terminal (Applications> Accessories> Terminal).
  4. Go to where you store the downloaded xampp for linux earlier. (I assume you save it on your desktop, if you do not please go to the place you store it.
    cd desktop
  5. Login as super admin. (On some Linux distributions such as Ubuntu 10 you do not need to log in as super admin. You just add sudo at the beginning of each command.)
    sudo -s
  6. Enter the password if requested.
  7. Extract the downloaded files into the folder / opt.
    tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz -C /opt
    For users of Ubuntu version 10 and above, including me:) type the following command.
    sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.4.tar.gz -C /opt
    The above command will be extract xampp into the folder / opt / lampp.
  8. Now, we try to run the xampp with the command.
    /opt/lampp/lampp start
    or try with this command.
    sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
  9. After the XAMPP running, open a browser and go to localhost (http://localhost) If all goes well, then we will get a language selection page of XAMPP.
  10. After selecting your language, we will automatically go to the welcome page.
  11. Now we go to the security page by clicking Security on the left menu. You will get "unsecured" status in all lists.

    If you will use XAMPP for local activities or just on a personal computer, this should not be a big problem. But, it helps us to practice to make Xampp "more secure".

    Next, let us make our XAMPP more secure.

  12. Type the following code at the terminal.
    /opt/lampp/lampp security
    Or like this if error message appeared.
    sudo /opt/lampp/lampp security
    Note : Make sure you are logged in as super admin.
  13. Type "yes" or "y" when asked to set a password and enter the password you want twice.
  14. After that, type "yes" or "y" when you are asked if you do not want MySql accessed through network. This option is optional. If you choose yes, then it will restart mysql. Please wait a moment.
  15. Then, you will be prompted to set passwords for PhpMyAdmin. Do as the previous step.
  16. And again, you will be prompted to set the password for user "root" in MySQL. Make sure the password was easy to remember, or if you forgot, this things will become a big problem. :)
  17. The next is to set a password for ftp. You could set no to this option, but it's better to keep it set even though it was not going to use latter. With this, then xampp security setting will be completed
  18. To ensure everything goes smoothly, we returned to the browser and go to localhost (http://localhost)
    You will be asked to enter a username and password.
    Enter username: lampp.
    Enter password: (as you were setting it before)
  19. After the welcome page opens, go to page security. You will see the status of each list to be "secured".
Okay at this stage, the installation of XAMPP on Linux is complete.
Next we will set the htdocs folder for easy in its use later when creating websites. From my experience, when i try to put my website folder in htdocs folder, and try to access it from browser, i got an error said that "Files not found". Well, i try this one to fix it.

Follow this step :

  1. Open a terminal and type the following command.
    mkdir ~/public_html
    Or you can easily right-click on the home, create a new folder and name it "public_html" without quotes of his.
  2. Now we create a link from public_html folder to folder / opt / lampp / htdocs. Please open a terminal and type the following command.
    sudo ln -s ~/public_html /opt/lampp/htdocs/
  3. To set the "user permissions" for the htdocs folder, reopen the terminal, then log in as super admin and typing the following command.
    chown yourusername -R /opt/lampp/htdocs
    or :
    sudo chown yourusername -R /opt/lampp/htdocs
    This command will change the owner or ownership of the original htdocs folder owner to yourusername.
    Command -R means recursive, where the htdocs folder and files and folders inside it will also be replaced its ownership.
Okay, that is it. Our XAMPP is ready to be used to design or developed website. :)
However, when we restart the computer, then we should re-open the terminal, and type the command.
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start
If you want to run XAMPP automatically each time you boot your system, then follow these steps:
  1. Click the menu system > preferences > Startup Applications.
  2. After the Application Startup window opens, click add.
  3. Then enter this command :
    Name = Xampp
    Command = /opt/lampp/lampp start
That is it, every time you boot, xampp will automatically run.

If you want a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to run and stop XAMPP, follow these steps:
  1. Open the terminal and type :
    gksudo gedit
  2. Copy dan paste this code on your gedit.
    [Desktop Entry]
    Comment=Start and Stop XAMPP
    Name=XAMPP Control Panel
    Exec=gksudo python /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/
    Name[en_CA]=XAMPP Control Panel
    Comment[en_CA]=Start and Stop XAMPP
  3. After that, save in "/home/usr/share/applications" and set the name "xampp-control-panel.desktop" to the files
  4. Now, XAMPP Control Panel will appeared at menu Applications > other.
    Clik it, and you will get a window like this one :
Okay, that's it. Congratulations and do usefull thing. :)

If there any mistake on this post, please correct me because i'm still learn.

At last, Happy Codding All. :)

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